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Meet the Team : Lewis, Apprentice

Meet the Team : Lewis, Apprentice

Here at Create Gift Love each of our team members plays an important part in ensuring the success of the business. Our 'Meet the Team' feature will give a more in-depth overview of what we do, how we work together and what it feels like to be one big happy family! First up is Lewis, our workshop apprentice: 

How long have you worked at Create Gift Love?

11 months

What’s your background and how did you end up working with wood?!

I applied for an apprenticeship and luckily I got matched to Create Gift Love! I always liked hands on subjects at school such as design and technology so when the placement came up to work with wood I knew that it was the right fit for me. Since I've been here I've learnt a lot about the business process and working as a team to hit targets.

What’s your favourite product and why?

My favourite product is the Leather Wallet we produce for our brother company Man Gun Bear. I like the finish and quality of all of the leather items we create and it's a nice touch that they can be personalised with your initials.

Describe a day in the office/workshop.

We turn the machines on at 7.30am to warm up. I then have a meeting with John my Production Supervisor about the plan of action for the day and the priority items that need to be made first. We then start running the orders. I am involved with all aspects of the process from cutting the raw material to running the in-house machinery and then sanding every individual product afterwards. We finish by oiling/crimping the items and then we pass onto the packaging and dispatch team.

What are the busiest times of the year for you?

7.30am -5.00pm every day! Although Christmas and Father's Day are when we make the most amount of orders. When there is downtime we are always busy preparing the raw materials, branding the packaging, cleaning machinery or checking stock quantities.

What’s the most challenging aspect of your job?

Making John the perfect cup of coffee! But also making sure that every order is perfect before it gets passed onto the dispatch team.

What’s the best thing about working at Create Gift Love?

Working as a team and making new friends.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Motivated, team player.

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  • Very interesting, welcome Lewis

    Charlotte Craig on

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