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It's all about the leather

It's all about the leather


At Create Gift Love we believe in responsible sourcing of leather skins for all of our personalised leather gifts. The cowhide we use is a by-product of the meat, dairy and wool industries and is sourced from a UK tannery. Throughout all product development and manufacturing activities, the tannery assesses environmental considerations alongside our requirements for colour, aesthetics and performance, with the objective of both satisfying us and minimising environmental impact. 

As well as the manufacturing facility here in the UK, the tannery has an equally environmentally aware sister company in Ethiopia. They support local schools by building new classrooms, supplying books and helping to increase the age range attending. They also help to maintain the running of a doctor’s surgery and malaria clinic to local communities. The tannery itself also promotes local environmental commitments, with a sheep breeding programme and farm which provides local produce to the tannery canteen and workers. 

Therefore when purchasing our products you can feel proud that you are inadvertently giving something back to society and also purchasing a beautiful sentimental gift that can be treasured forever.




  • Haliság!Köszi a válaszokat és a &#Ã;022bátor8­tást”! Annyit tudok, hogy a bárd, “csak” hatalom amulettjét képes készíteni (és azt sem 18 évesen szerintem)! Én az egyik elÅ‘történetembe azért belevittem egy kis afférkodást egy ifjú (?) boszival, biztos ami biztos! Na Béke!

    Tisha on

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